Washing tunnel input output line


  • Ligne entrée sortie tunnel de lavage
  • Ligne entrée sortie tunnel de lavage
  • Ligne entrée sortie tunnel de lavage
  • Ligne entrée sortie tunnel de lavage

Designed by SYSTEM, this unit allows automatic feeding of washing tunnels for multi-format pallet boxes.

The pallet boxes are introduced manually onto a plastic chain conveyor, then transported towards a washing tunnel.
As they come out, a turning system turns the pallet boxes of varying formats onto a robust modular belt conveyor.
The unit can also be equipped with a pallet box stacker at the output and storage using a roller conveyor or a plastic chain conveyor.

This line is capable of stocking ‘combo’ or ‘Paloxe’ pallet boxes of the following dimensions: 1000 x 1200mm or 1000 x 800mm, height 750 to 1000mm with or without wheels.
Moreover, the entrance/exit lines for the washing tunnel offer two speeds, according to the chosen equipment:

  • Tunnel washer = 80 boxes/h

Optionally, we can add a curved conveyor at the input.

This particular full line has been designed for agri-food sector and in particular for:

  • Processing and preserving meat
  • Food production for animals
  • Food-waste treatment centres

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SYSTEM, a designer of machines for the agri-food industry, makes custom-made automatic storage-handling solutions.

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A specialised line for the agri-food industry, adapted in particular for processing and preserving meat.

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Washing tunnel input output line

SYSTEM has designed a machine which automatically supplies washing tunnels with multi-format pallet boxes.

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