Palletisation Line


Ligne de palettisation

On the strength of its experience as a designer and manufacturer of machines for the agri-food industry, SYSTEM notably develops specialised systems, including a modular palletisation line to improve food product traceability and respect the production rates imposed by the packaging process.

Our technology is adapted to all production rates and will meet all your requirements, such as the use of containers, setting up secondary packaging (cardboard or plastic boxes) and the management of pallet boxes.

We offer an automated solution which is personalised to create very flexible lines. This solution is designed with the double objective of being both robust and reliable. You can choose from feeding from above or below according to the logistical constraints in your factory. This SYSTEM-designed machine transports products using a modular belt conveyor towards automated islands, which palletise them one by one. Once the operation is finished, the palettes are sent automatically towards a shuttle, positioned opposite each roller conveyor. Next, the shuttle transports them towards a weighing conveyor and then to the wrapping zone to be covered with film. At the same time, the shuttle supplies the automated islands with empty palettes. The weighing information is transmitted automatically.

Once a palette has been covered with film and weighed, it is sent to the line output.

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1 rue du lavoir - 79420 Saint-Lin