Cutting line


Ligne de découpe

On the strength of its experience as a designer and manufacturer of machines for the agri-food industry, SYSTEM notably develops specific equipment for all sectors, including a modular cutting line solution for the meat industry.

SYSTEM strives to create cutting rooms designed to offer good ergonomics, robustness and easy cleaning.
The requirements are as follows:

  • Production rates for packaged meat from one operation to another to optimise production.
  • Ensure a sufficient amount of trays stocked between the vacuum station and the finishing station to avoid stoppage.
  • Ergonomic workstations, especially the cutting table
  • Compliance with health and safety standards

A cutting room allows factories to cut and then case meat in order to transport it to a vacuum station and finishing station.
The pieces of meat are placed onto the MRS cutting stations from above, to then be processed by the operator.
Each operator cuts the meat and puts the pieces on trays which are transported via a modular belt conveyor, with defined production rates, either towards a vacuum station or towards a finishing station for further cutting.

SYSTEM pays particular attention to the ergonomics of each workstation, the robustness of the equipment and maximum storage according to the production site’s layout.
We have received the following client feedback:

  • Optimised yield;
  • Handling reduced to a minimum;
  • Very robust parts which can be easily cleaned.

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Automated pallet box loading and unloading line

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Automated pallet box washing

A specialised line for the agri-food industry, adapted in particular for processing and preserving meat.

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Cardboard box and crate conveyor line

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Washing tunnel input output line

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1 rue du lavoir - 79420 Saint-Lin